There are many ways you can help support us and our amazing volunteers - no matter where you are in the world
Get Involved with Gordon Wildlife Alliance
As well as looking for volunteers to train to become registered rescuers, we can always use a helping hand from someone who lives or works nearby and is available to help out in emergencies. If you tell us what you are able and willing to do, when you can be contacted, and how far you are willing to travel, we would love to add you to our "call for backup" list.
We also appreciate help with fundraiser events and distributing educational materials.
If you're not able to physically volunteer, you can still make a difference by helping with advocacy. Our volunteers spend a lot of time writing emails and letters, to politicians, bureaucrats, local councils etc, all in an effort to see kinder, more compassionate and sustainable decision making in our region. Our carers would much rather be feeding and nursing the animals they have in care, so if anyone else can help with the admin, research or public advocacy, that would be really helpful.
Much of our advocacy is done online, with supporters from around the world helping our animals by contacting community, state and national leaders, and spreading the truth of the crisis facing Australian Native Animals in our region, throughout the media, including international media. Contact us to find out how you can help, even from a distance.